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Analysis of Methane and Sulfate Flux in Methane Charged
 Sediments from the Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico

7449786920_4bc76e1e8a_mIn Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2008
By R.B. Coffin
In the search for alternative fuel sources in recent years, members of Strategic Carbon have been working to discover unconventional natural gases to fight against fuel crisis. It is believed that permafrost and ocean sediments can contain alternative natural gases that could be eventually converted into a fuel source. With the help of Strategic Carbon, researchers have been testing sediment porewater from the ocean floor in the Mississippi Canyon which is located in the Gulf of Mexico. The researchers used seismic profiling and shallow sediment geochemical data to identify locations of the deep sediment with potential high and stable methane hydrate loadings.   → Go to Full Article