Strategic Carbon co-founder Dr. Coffin has initiated discussions with China National Petroleum Cooperation on application of mass spectroscopy in developing a contract for organizing a global oil library. In this development geochemical methods for source evaluation will be coupled with thorough statistical data evaluation and security to provide a certain source signature and legal client data. While time is required to establish a preliminary database and secure data library, this planning is not dependent on development of chemical analysis or instrumentation, the team contributing to this library have developed all aspects of this plan. Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis (CSIA) and High-Field Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid Mass Spectrometer (OT-FTMS) are combined for absolute diagnosis of oil source. These facilities are operated at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi. Given the data size necessary to provide an absolute “fingerprint” on globally distributed oil sources there is a requirement for intricate statistical evaluation. Data is secured on a coded data set and is provided to clients and Strategic Carbon llc. Clients will be provided secure tracking capability from acquisition, through shipping, and further product processing. Strategic Carbon retains all data, including a GIS source location for the global library development, but maintains obtained data closed to external customers except for the client. Client benefit from this global library includes: 1) confirmation the product obtained during mining operations is provided to customers; 2) capability to evaluate financial accountability is maintained in commercial well sharing; and 3) determining legal responsibility during environmental evaluation of oil and oil product spills. No other chemical source assessment has been developed that integrates a broad compound library, stable carbon isotope fingerprinting, accurate statistical categorization of a source pattern, and a client secure data base.