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2024-Present Jackpile-Paguate Uranium Mine Superfund Site Uranium Transport Review, Source Assessment and Modelling

SCLLC is contracted by Woodward & Curran to review transport and fate for mine sourced uranium relative to natural background values at the Jackpile-Paguate Uranium Mine Superfund Site (JPUMSS).  Investigation applies comparison uranium concentration, speciation, isotope ratios.  This isotope analysis will determine a source contribution to complex mixtures of the same element in different geologic formations and is a function changes in the geologic source and biological and abiotic cycling.  Focus for this analysis includes physical transport, anthropogenic vs. natural uranium input from ground water flow, surface runoff, river volume and current velocity, river organic particle loading and sediment resuspension.  Interpretation will depend on the available groundwater, river sediment and water, seasonal variation, sediment eH gradients, water column oxygen concentrations, and basic geochemical data.  These data will be used to assess potential uranium transport and trapping from the JPUMSS site relative to the natural background contribution.  The entire data set provides evaluation of uranium and uranium product concentrations through our study area (Figure 1) and specifically includes:

  1. out of the mining region where select where uranium analysis provides background, control site information,
  2. the three mining regions that are the primary uranium source focus for this study,
  3. transport from the JPUMSS down river and ground water flow, this summary includes concentration of uranium controlled by geochemical cycling and physical transport flow and trapping, and
  4. endpoint where there is potential uranium assimilation in humans, fauna, flora and concentration in the soil.