High Frequency Cascade Applied to Water Recovery
- Mobile processing platform with flexible design for varying water volumes
- Water recovery from fracking, sewage, bilge, other industrial use
- Reuse on site or alternate use for agriculture, cooling, and etc.
- Organic material can be converted to CO2 and trapped
- Metals can be trapped and removed
- Marketable metals can be collected, concentrated and sold
Our Harmonic Frequency Cascade (HFC) system is applied for controlled reduction of brine water volume in frack and waste water accumulation pools (Figure below). An advantage with our HFC is that the level of water evaporation can be controlled to meet the processing requirements for a variety of applications. Further, during the evaporation process there is synergistic oxidation of organic matter contained in the brine water that continuously lowers anthropogenic organic compounds. HFC can be tailored to meet specific customer needs in widely diverse environments, supplying an efficient and affordable system delivered with guaranteed on-time results and full technical and logistical support. Note if there are worksite of local benefits, this technology can be used to trap evaporated water for a broad range of industrial, municipal and agricultural applications. For a brief introduction to our capability present application of the HFC (Figure Below) lower frack brine water reduction. compounds.

HFC (Adjacent Figure) is portable and consists of a cylindrical housing containing two, counter-rotating, separately driven, multi-stage cylinders providing multiple interfaces to produce the required fluid shear. The figure shows the system with 16 flow lines running through the chamber and internal fluid flow paths are presented in the expanded view. A current test unit has an operation flow rate at 185 gallons/minute but can readily be scaled to lower and higher flow rates. HFC drivers are small HP electrical mothers, with flow and pressure provided by a separate charge pump designed for light density liquids and energy efficiency. Independently controlled actuators and sensors allow for precise operation of the unit in hazardous and or extreme conditions. All piping and other support vessels meet industry standards and codes and are mounted to produce the smallest footprint possible. These systems are low energy requirement and significant cost savings. HFC creates oxygen-free radicals and while the system is running there is a water temperature rise that results in evaporation to a volume controlled by system flow rates. These O2, OH, H* free radicals are created through fast formation and collapsing of bubbles occurring during gas compression and pressure inside these bubbles. During this process, trapped oxygen gas form these radicals. This processing results in rapid cost-effective evaporation through degradation of organic compounds in the water.

With a focus on water evaporation, initial mesoscale testing demonstrated efficient rapid reduction of wastewater volume. With operation of 250 gallons in two test runs of frack wastewater through the HFC there is a rapid large volume heating. Heating in two experiments shows temperature increased in high water volumes that will lead to efficient evaporation (figures below). For the first evaporation test water temperature was raised 39 degrees F in 2 hours; each run of 250 gallon processing through the HFC took approximately 5 minutes. For the second testing temperature was increased 30.5 degrees F in 44 minutes. These rapid temperature increases in high volumes of water confirm capability to provide high evaporation rates. These temperatures can be controlled long term for a constant water evaporation rate.

A review of our results shows efficient capability for evaporation. As an example, with the elevation of temperature presented in the figure above and assuming a standard pond dimension of 580 ft x 600 ft with an average depth of 6.5 ft and with brine water (TDS~180 g/L), without using our HFC system, the pond would take approximately 174 days to evaporate. However, using just one of our current HFC systems on the brine water will reduce the duration of the evaporation to approximately 152 days, considering the cooling effect during mixing back into the pond and the heat capacity of the water. When using five of our HFC systems simultaneously, the pond will evaporating in 102 days, which is 41% less time than without our HFC system. This technology is capable for meeting environmental regulations, and operates with complete safety, requires low energy, and is a tremendous cost savings. There advantages can be discussed for specific operational applications.