High Frequency Cascade Applied to Oil Refining
- Refined oil production rate testing at 3.8 barrels per minute; capable of major industrial processing
- Efficient removal of nitrogen and sulfur; note capacity for trappable emissions, CO2, N, S
- Higher energy fuel production with capability for specific designs to meet motor requirements
- Operations cost are an order of magnitude less that current oil refining
- Size 15’ x 6’ x 6’, 10,000 lbs; transportable for any operations requirement; e.g., direct off-ship to truck or storage
- Supports industry, municipal and military fuel requirement
- Development of food oil refining is in the planning development

We provide new efficient, no emission and low cost technology for oil refining. Harmonic frequency cascade (HFC) is design to create fluid flow during processing that causes oxygen free radical formation (O2*, OH*, and H*). The HFC system operates with a cylindrical housing with 16 inflow-outflow lined driven by two counter rotating independently operated to provide the required shear for bubble formation and subsequent production of the free radicals. Initial evaluation of oil processing shows lower energy removes sulfur and nitrogen in oil compounds, an intermediate energy results in removal of oxygen and aromatic compounds can be converted to high energy aliphatic compounds. This wide range of energy provides the capability to make fuels for specific engines. Further control on the fuel composition is provided with injection of inert gases to control the organic compound oxidation.

- We use HFC to create element free radicals that restructure petroleum molecules in our oil refining process.
- O2, OH, H* is provided during mixing in a chamber where trapped oxygen gas form free radicals (especially in the presence of a small amount of water vapor).
- With an overview of elemental bonds in crude oil lower energy is required for removal and sulfur and nitrogen, an intermediate higher energy results in removal of oxygen, and subsequently aromatic compounds can be converted to high energy aliphatic compounds.
- With capability to vary harmonic frequency and inert gases controlling the formation of free radicals specific fuel mixtures can be provided from oil feedstock.