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Desalination Technology Waste Streams: Effect of pH and Salinity on Metabolism of Marine Microbial Assemblages

7449630358_43619b3f3f_mIn Desalination, 2010
By M.T. Montgomery
Desalination is a process that is helping to produce potable water for human usage. The process involves ridding water of saline minerals to omit corrosion and inhibition of agriculture. Although this process is useful for many applications, it can be harmful towards the ecosystem and bacterial production from the waters that desalination occurs. With the help of Strategic Carbon researchers, the application was tested by taking water samples from the Delaware Bay, Atlantic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean to observe the result of saline minerals on bacterial production. Data did show inhibition of bacterial growth.  Marine desalination needs to be monitored for ecosystem impact assessment.  → Go to Full Article